Thursday, April 28, 2011

Love thy thoughts…

    This one is a poem… a poem about thoughts… thoughts that command love and not the superficial beauty that entices…
It’s my attempt at playing with archaic language, meter and in essence thought… a genre sometimes described or misnomered as ‘Shakespearen’  or ‘Shakespeare like’… would like to know what people feel about it- good, bad, ugly and hence I post it on the blog…

Love thy thoughts
I loveth you not dear one,
just for thy beauty fine,
But the thoughts of thyne…

For it’s these thoughts of great refine,
that can take you beyond  the barriers of me and mine…
And (in the long run)even beyond the thought regime…

These thoughts tell you, that ye art none…
And yet they teach ye, how to be the best amongst every one.
They help you mix in any crowd…
Be it, quiet, abusive or aloud…

It’s these thoughts that dare you to stay astern,
even when the ship seems to be about to overturn…
They don’t let ye lose hope,
when you are slipping over the edge of a cliff and there is no where to grope…

These thoughts make ye try again…
even when your previous attempts went invain.
And even when ye success gain…
These thoughts don’t let ye get vain…

So my dear one,
Loveth me not just for fun…
But for these thoughts, due to which hath our love begun…
