Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nothing worth a few sleepless nights

     The work and a few tuppence earned off it are definitely not worth the long hours and the sleepless nights that you put in towards it, even if you are doing it for a friend.
      A lesson learn the hard way, but you learn these things when you’re into business. The sooner you learn it, the better, coz a friend who wishes to pay less and yet wishes for work more than the worth he is willing to pay for is more difficult than the most demanding customer who wishes to get similar work done.
     He’ll pester you worse than a regular customer, coz it is ‘work with-in the house’ (indianism-ghar ka kaam)but he will want to pay far lesser, of course the reason is the same.
    …plus he has the perfect argument ready- if I wanted to pay any more for it, I could have gotten it done from a professional… Here he insults you twice as much, insinuating that, just coz you are from ‘with-in the household’, you are any less professional than the professional he could have paid more.
   Such is the thankless nature of a job that you do for a close one… he expects the best possible professional work done at the at the lowest possible cost. The cost of our services decided by his highness, himself… and if the work doesn’t meet his expected standards, he is still free to bad mouth us, for our un-professional attitude and shoddy word...
     However, its difficult to turn down these un-professional work offers, for they still hold the right to say, “He acts so professional , can’t offer a bit of help, to a friend in need”… if you turn down the work and now, being ‘professional’ is the worst kind of abuse that can be tagged  on to you.
     A mutual friend in the know, had a funny suggestion, “Use his own tactics to beat him at his own game, “he suggested,” its simple,” he went on as I looked at him confused, “ don’t try and convince those whom he’s already, told his story, go about telling a larger crowd around us, about his miserly behaviour and how he misused the friendship, don’t try to beat him by trying to rub the line he’s drawn, just draw a line longer than his own, let more people know of what he’s up to… you are a promotions person, you know the simple rule, don’t you…” he kidded me, I just nodded and smiled, coz, doing that would just lead to another vicious circle…