Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Blogger’s Suicide and A Piece off My Mind…

Yes, it has been as good as a Blogger’s Suicide for me… Specially on this blog… the only blog that I have associated with the person of me… (The anon blogs are still doing well, just by the virtue of having been around that much longer…) Just when this one had barely started garnering some public attention… A time when, a blogger would actually try putting in a post a day, I had to abandon blogging for a bit… but that’s how life works…

Now, back, I would just like to leave you all, with a PIECE of PEACE off My Mind… The kind that Rain always spreads in my mind and soul if there is anything like that…

The rain pulls off its trick, yet another time…

as its wildness sweeps off layers of emotional grime…

and brings all thought to a standstill…

It wipes off the past and fogs the future…

Leaving all but this moment to dwell upon…

The individual merges with the whole…

and the world pulsates as one universal soul…

neither girth nor depth…

In this moment, tis everywhere…

and in the next, it converges where I was there…

…And there we have, the world in a nutshell…


- To My Dearest Lord, The Omnipresent Consciousness in me... sans me…-