Monday, April 25, 2011

What Next???

   Today I have for you a poem- What Next??? A question that probably strikes all minds some or the other time and some minds all the time…
     In a country like India, we solve this question by several means, not quite yet understood by the western world…
      We have, A Bhrigu Samhita,  written by a Mr Bhrigu and his students, supposedly in the Vedic Period, which is stated to have lasted from 1500 BC to 500BC(1)… and it reportedly gives exceedingly accurate bits of information about one’s life based on the birth date, time, the planetary formations at the said date, time etc...
     We also have scores of gods, goddesses, demi gods (360,000,000 to be precise), devils, jinns (genies) and a host of other para-normal creatures who can regulate our future if we perform specific rituals to appease them…
     Besides these, we have a host of god-men, living embodiments of the above mentioned gods who can forecast and at will, change the futures of us mere mortals…
     One such gentleman, Mr Satya Sai Baba, whom I respect greatly for the philanthropic work he has done in the state of Andhra Pradesh, (details of some of which can be read on the following link: (2))… this esteemed gentleman has reportedly saved lives of n number of his disciples at the Shri Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital and at other corners of the world (stories of which are abounding online, one such example of Baba’s grace in Trinidad, CO, USA can be checked on this link: (3)… The tragedy of it is, Mr Baba, the saviour of millions across the world, had predicted that he would leave this AVATAR at the ripe old age of 96 and re-incarnate as  Prem Sai 8 years post the demise of this AVATAR (at 96)… Now, the Divine Baba decided to skip this mortal frame at 84, without much ado… with multiple organ failures and several other malaise… his decision  or rather the change of decision that he obviously didn’t convey verbally or for that matter through any of his other multifarious miraculous ways to any of  his close disciples has left a population of several millions (including the likes of Sachin Tendulkar)  across the globe in a limbo… each one probably asking this very question-
     Having been born in a way of life where so much is left for other’s to predict and regulate, I took to reading palms at a very early age…
      Earlier it was just limited to imitating my grandmother, Sheila Patil, who was an expert in this art or science or whatcha may ya call it…
     Later it became a fancy fashion- being the centre of attraction of large crowds (generally female) in school and in college, who would willingly will their tender hands to the safety and comfort of mine and being the pin point of jealous thoughts of several of my male friends…
         In the long run, it became a study of sorts, having gone through several books, the basic ones like Cheiro Palmistry and the more detailed ones like the Little Giant Encyclopedia: Palmistry (Little Giant Encyclopedias) by Nathaniel Altman, The Complete Book of Palmistry: Includes Secrets of Indian Thumb …  by Richard Webster etc.. and well nigh a thousand palms, of scientists, doctors, engineers, businessmen,  students,
farmers and people from nearly every walk of life…
     The very basic thing that I  understood was that, this question of What Next?… was a question that virtually everyone asked… It didn’t matter how successful or unsuccessful, rich or poor, educated or other wise, one was… and none could answer it for his or her own self… They needed somebody, anybody to answer for them,probably to re-enforce their  belief in themself or create one where it was lacking…
     This poem speaks about just this… the fact that our future is from what we make and not for someone else to dictate…
What Next???
Every one wants to know his or her fate,
What their life holds at a yonder date???
In anticipation of a future state,
Everyone, their excitements abate;
Will they own a large estate
Or have they really been in love of late…
They are ready to quickly put all their faith,
On any Tom, Dick, Harry’s absurd dictate…
Forgetting this (present) day, the joy of being in this moment,
Their egos instantly inflate or deflate…
Depending on the soothsayer’s momentary whim and taste…
When will we realise, that our future is from what we make
And not for any demi-god’s fancy’s sake…
And all that is really in our hands(read palms)
Is living this moment completely and in full wake…
Is living this moment completely and in full wake…

P.S.>> May the holy soul of beloved Satya Sai rest in peace… and mine in pieces… in life and in death… Winking smile
Technorati Tags:  A Poem, What Next???,Palmistry,Vedic Period,Satya Sai Baba,Cheiro,Nathaniel Altman, Richard Webster,

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