Friday, March 18, 2011

love a wierd one- flings, affairs, explanations and answers.. part two

     There was a professor, that I once knew, who took one of his students out on a `lunch date’ and the affectionate relationship he shared with this student was a hot topic of discussion across the department. Now, once the student confessed to the professor, that she couldn’t define what she felt for him, but whatever it was- was a very special feeling…  The married, gentleman-rogue professor, in his turn, hugged the girl and told her that some relationships needn’t be named or defined.  Now there would be those, who would abuse the professor and pass him off for a lecher, for playing around with someone half his age and a student, at it… and there would be others who would appreciate the mutual affection, maturity and the platonic nature of the relationship…( I personally can do neither…)
     On another such occasion, I tried to dig into another such intelligent mind, who was a publicly signed off philander and he came up with a very interesting thought process, rather long but very simply put,” there is love in degrees…relative love,” he said to me, “I may love the A more than B… so when a girl asks, how can you love her if you love me or vice versa… I may be tongue tied for the wont of the ability to explain this fundamental of `relativity of love’ but it exists none the less…”…” then there is the burden of ethical loyalty involved in goings on like these…”, he went on, as if he’d never gotten a chance to explain his point of view, before, “ a burden imposed, probably not unreasonably by the society and the culture that has evolved there in… when, you love someone, you have to be loyal to her, they say… I agree to this in effect that, even though I may love A, B and many more so, I can never love another, the way I love A, my love for A is very unique and unmatched for, I can never emote for another, the way I emote for her… and such is the case for the B and everyone else that I love… in fact there is no scope for being dis-loyal… You can’t love two individuals the very same way… for the simple reason that they are two different individuals… and if the argument for loving only one person held any sense, then no one would go beyond loving their own mothers, who is the first person, I believe, one loves in all his/her life, though that is love in a different flavour completely, but it is love, none the less… “…. Now that was such a long soliloquy that I didn’t want to add any further sentence breaks in that one…  now, whether you call it just an excuse to clear his own conscience off his shenanigans or a honest expression of an understanding of thought process break down, is for every individual to analyse…

Cont..d in part three...


  1. hey, though am curious bout the prof, know am not getting anything out of you....but I did happen to meet someone with the same philosophy as that philandering friend of yours so guess he/she is not a minority around :)

  2. @poornima- Right you are, not good to wash someone else's private linen in public and tell who's linen it is.... and probably you're right, they arent a minority...lolz
