Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Musings of another day…


Again in the midst of crowd n conversations, the mind strays afar into uncharted territory. An age old habit which ceases to die, however hard I go for the kill. The changeling emotivity gravitating between extremes at an untoward rate… I watch with humour, how it flits from calm to chaos and back. Funny… like Jiddu ji* says, the observer and the observed being the same, develop a duality, not much unlike the mundane and the sublime. Inherently singular, reflectively dual… all about the point of view isn’t it!?!?!?

Someone once told me, he found what I wrote, very complicated… and I laughed, not at him but at myself… Complicated aint I!!!... And there I plunged again… My love for this crooked fetish of non-stop thought and berserk but controlled emotion… a very weird kind of process one would say… and I wouldn’t dis-agree…

Giving all emotions to the dogs and discarding the exhibitionism in the blogs...

Cutting crap and getting real; playing with the thought- unreal…

Feeling and not fleeing from it…

Flailing all rules and basking in the fool’s paradise…

Emoting every given emotion in the emotions rack….

Trudging across every nary crossed track…

*Jiddu ji- J Krishnamurthy… the one man who thought out of the box and didn’t think much of it…

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