Wednesday, April 6, 2011

soul searching

     Soul searching… is what those people who believe that the soul is at the core of everything would call it… 

     Most around, make no attempts at it, at least no covert ones… and most of those who do are at some stage scared… scared of losing everything- losing their identities in the search… scared of survival… survival, not just at the mundane physical level but at the level of thought…

     They probably fear that if they probe  deeper, the thoughts may go out of control, that they might lose themselves in the fray…. they would lose their identity the -me- in the process and everyone is probably afraid of that…  Losing the -me- that is the rallying point of one’s existence, physical and mental- conscious, sub-conscious, un-conscious…

     Now, that is what, I believe the Sanatan* way of thought talks about when it discusses non-duality- when it says that the seer and the seen ends, the seeker and the sought ends… the thinker and the thought ends…

      Not a stage beyond conscious thought- delving into sub-conscious or un-conscious layers but a stage beyond thought as an absolute. Coz, if the -me-, the source all thought ends, wouldn’t the thought end for the wont of the thinker???…

     Or would the thought go on, just as thoughts without an origin and unto no end… is that the fear??? That one would end up, just a jangle of thoughts no beginning, no aim and no end, no identity except that of being a complex confounding jangle!!! and no one to perceive that identity either…

          A funny state of affairs to perceive, now, when one can actually think, when the thinker and the thought are both still intact… 

     That is probably why we see across the world-

     …people seeking solace in cults, communities, religions, religious leaders, guiding spirits and gurus offering peace- promising the bliss of knowing the secret to perennial happiness, but what most end up preaching is, things like, how to keep positive thought stepped up by regulating the thought process in a particular way or mechanical/physical techniques of increasing certain types of endorphins that keep one in a bliss - like state..


     …people rallying around hard rock bands that jamb the thoughts using sound and other intoxicants to create similar bliss like states…

…sadly none of these actually give permanent bliss…

The _Word.

P.S.- Sanatan way of thought- the thought process that bears origin in the  Sanatana Dhara- Jambhudweepa the Indian sub continent, often mis-nomered the Hindu religion.

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